Argo Graphic Studio

Social media management

Nowadays, social media is the main source of connection between a brand and its consumers. In Argo we focus on all the important factors that are required so that the brands social media stands out, from its color palette, graphic style and message tone to the coherence between what is posted and the brands identity.

Name It Jewelry

A brand that designs and produces personalized jewelry.

We focus on creating creative content which shows the brand´s products, but also on builiding a community, giving useful tips and tutorials for the brand´s target.

Ip Rules

ntellectual property platform, consolidated by two lawyers, whose purpose is to create a community with its followers.

Through their social media we create useful and informative content, so that the followers find in Ip Rules a trustworthy account that’s open to solve and inform everything about intellectual property.

Argo Graphic Studio

Through our Instagram account, we focus on creating a space where our followers find, in addition to our projects and portfolio, design tips, tutorials and motivational quotes so we can build a community.

Ventanilla de Salud

Organization located in the Mexico – United States border which provides health services to people/migrants in need.

Through their social media, we are in charge of designing informative posts that are easy to read and eye-catching, providing health issues information, giving tips and quotes to remind their followers the importance of health care.